Bible Studies & Fellowship
Weekday Opportunities
Wednesday Morning
7:00 a.m. Faith Connections – Breakfast for Body and Soul
Come and gather at Panera, corner of Georgia Avenue and Colesville Road, Silver Spring, for breakfast and discussion of upcoming Sunday lessons and their relation to daily life.
10:00 a.m.Women In Community
Thoughtful & provocative study of the Bible with women ofall ages. Parents with small children are welcome (children play while moms study).
Women of the ELCA Bible Studies
Bible Study topic this year is “All Anew”. The Bible Study is printed each month in Gather, the magazine published by the Women of the ELCA, to guide and encourage women in their faith journey.
Currently, two circles groups are available:
Mary-Martha Circle
10:00 a.m. Second Tuesday
Fireside Room
Sarah-Lydia Circle
5:30 p.m. First and Third Wednesday
Fireside Room
(For more information about Women of the ELCA, click here.)
Men’s Bible Study
8:00 a.m. Second Saturday
An hour long Bible study begins the men’s group breakfast gatherings.