Life Milestones
Saint Luke recognizes several steps along the way of our faith journey. During these steps, baptism is always the center, having begun this life in Christ, we have the opportunity each day to grow in faith and nurture this life in Christ. At several times along the way, we are invited to affirm our baptism and who and whose we are.
+Baptism is the rite of initiation into God’s family. It is a sacrament in the Lutheran Church and the way we are welcomed into the community of faith and made a child of God. God’s own, forever.
Baptism is a gift for people of all ages and baptisms are celebrated several times a year, including several Baptism festivals.
Saint Luke asks that one of the parents of a child to be baptized be a member of Saint Luke. Also, all parents and adults who will be baptized are invited to attend a one hour pre-baptism pastoral gathering, where the Sacrament is reviewed and the baptism is then scheduled. To register for a baptism class and schedule a baptism or register for the next new Welcome (New Members) class, please contact Sofia Chatos.
First Communion
+Holy Communion is the birthright of the baptized and the table of the people of God. Saint Luke follows the ELCA policies inviting children to the table when their parents deem them ready. First Communion Class is offered at least twice each year. For detailed information about this process, please contact Melissa Groen.
Affirmation of Baptism (Confirmation)
+The Affirmation of Baptism (Confirmation) program at Saint Luke is a three year program for youth in 6th, 7th and 8th grades. These three years are filled with spiritual growth, an amazing look at the wonder of what God has done and continues to do in Jesus Christ, service projects and opportunities, retreats and fellowship.
Students grow in faith through study of the Word of God, both the Old and New Testament, Luther’s Small Catechism, as well as learn about worship and our response to the grace that we have been given.
Parents are also a big part of this journey with eh Confirmands, volunteering their help with dinners, teaching, retreat chaperones, and, of course, discussing and growing in the faith each week at home.
For details about Confirmation, contact Pastor Zawistoski.
+The service of marriage, which follows the order in the ELCA worshipbook, at Saint Luke is preceded by a time of preparation, called pre-Cana, or pre-marital counseling. Saint Luke asks that the bride or groom be a member of Saint Luke. Preparation for marriage is encouraged at least 1 year prior to the scheduled wedding date. Before any dates can be put on the Saint Luke calendar, the first step to this milestone is to contact the church office for an initial meeting with a pastor. For more information contact Sofia Chatos.
+The church’s ministry at the time of death is really a continuum that includes a number of occasions for remembrance and care. First and foremost though is the funeral. Saint Luke has an extensive ministry of outreach at the time of death and follow up with the family. This includes bereavement counseling, resources for reading and devotion, remembrance on All Saint s Sunday, the possible connection of a Stephen Minister, help from Caring Ministries, and so much more.
We give thanks for the sure and confident hope of the resurrection. We give thanks for the community of Christ and the support we share.
When your loved one dies (or even when they are ill) please contact Saint Luke to talk about support and care.
Funeral pre-planning is also encouraged. Please contact the church office for a funeral pre-planning packet.