Photo Gallery

Come and See!  Celebrating 75 years of service to the community.

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Backpack Project

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WELCA Layette & Yard Sale

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Vacation Bible School

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WELCA Retreat and Family Fishing Day

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Augsburg Bell Choir & Martin Luther Choir Tour

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Annual Meeting

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Sunday School Gathering on Hunger Awareness and Stocking the Food Pantry

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Martin Luther Choir  Trip to New York and Confirmation Choir Exchange

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WELCA, Santa Lucia and Christmas Around the World

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Advent Workshop

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Montgomery County Thanksgiving Parade

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Augsburg Bell Choir at the Bell Festival

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Christian Day School Pumpkin Hunt

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Special Communion Service and Luncheon

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Kick Off Sunday

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Saint Luke Fellowship Luncheon

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Christian Day School gets off to a great start

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Our Facilities

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