Caring Ministries
This multi-faceted outreach touches lives through seven intentional and organized ways: Joy and Bereavement Baskets, Prayer Partners, Prayer Shawl Ministry, Share-A-Meal, and Quilting.
For further information about all of these opportunities contact Parish Nurse/Director of caring Ministries Ruth Manchester.
Home Visitation
A member of the Caring Mnistry team – either Pastor Miller, Pastor Nuss, or Parish Nurse Ruth Manchester will come and visit. Please call the church office to request a visit.
Joy and Bereavement Baskets
A basket is delivered to a family with a new baby (Joy) or to a family or individual who has recently experienced the death (Bereavement) of a loved one.
Prayer Partners
Members collectively raise the name of each member of Saint Luke and those in the wider world in prayer each day.
Prayer Shawl Knitters
Volunteers knit or crochet prayer shawls, baby blankets, and baby caps. The group meets every third Saturday morning in conjunction with the Quilting group.
Volunteers prepare and deliver a meal to help someone through a trying time.
Volunteers call someone who is homebound, lonely, afraid, or who just feels the need to talk.
Also, Caring Ministries includes the ministry of our Parish Nurse and health and healing ministries. Saint Luke offers monthly Blood Pressure Checks, and health seminars. Contact Ruth Manchester for information.
Sunday Hospitality
This program is for the homeless and lonely in the Silver Spring area. From December through March, Saint Luke opens the doors from 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm Guests are given a warm meal, a bus token, clothing, a clean pair of socks and toiletries. Volunteers from the community are welcome to participate.
Quilts are assembled for Lutheran World Relief. they meet every 3rd Saturday in conjunction with the Prayer Shawl knitters.