Women of the ELCA
Are you looking for a way to become more involved in Saint Luke activities and also to become better acquainted with the other women in the congregation – women who share your interests and values? Did you ever wonder who puts up the mitten tree at Christmas time, or collects items for the Baby Care Kits for Lutheran World Relief each spring?
The Saint Luke Women, part of the Women of the ELCA, are part of a network of nearly 500,000 women who act boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ through Bible study, service and advocacy. Come and participate!
The Women of the ELCA meet virtually on a regular basis . Won’t you consider joining us at one of our next meetings?
The Mary-Martha Circle
meets on zoom the second Tuesday of each month at 10:00 a.m.
The Sarah-Lydia Circle
meets on zoom the first and third Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m..
The Women of the ELCA also have an exciting and very informative magazine, “Gather.” The annual cost is $15.00 and can be ordered through Augsburg Fortress. Also, check out the ELCA women’s organization.
For further information and details of activities, contact president Ann Nuss at welca@saintluke.us.
(For more information about the Women of the ELCA, click here.)